License description
Activate your license with the license key you received by e-mail.
Open the corresponding e-mail to copy the code to the Windows clipboard.
The code is then automatically transferred to the License Manager dialog.
A single user license may only be activated on one PC at a time.
To use the license on another PC, it must first be released using the corresponding function.
The single-user license can then be reactivated (with the same e-mail address) on another PC.
A network license can be activated on several clients at the same time.
Each user/client must enter their own e-mail address.
The license can be used until the maximum number of permitted users is reached.
The answers to the most frequently asked questions about licensing can be found in the FAQ.
- You have received a license key in the format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.
- An active Internet connection is required in accordance with the requirements in the system requirements .
- Select the license key in the e-mail.
- Press the key combination Ctrl - C.
Alternatively, right-click on the license key and select Copy in the context menu.
The license key is copied to the clipboard.
- Start the License Manager.
- Click Activate your purchased license.
The Activate license dialog is displayed.
The license key has been copied from the clipboard (in the example below, an invented key was used).
- Enter your e-mail address.
Use a personal e-mail address such as, avoid general addresses such as
The Activate button is enabled.
- Click Activate.
The license is active.
- Click License information.
The License information dialog is displayed.
- Click Ok to close the License Manager.
- Click Activate another license to activate another license, e.g. for another edition.
Repeat steps 1-7 accordingly.In future, you can switch between the activated licenses