After the grid has been defined for an industrial scaffold, individual rows and columns of the grid can be reduced or enlarged.
- The grid for the scaffold has been defined.
Right click on the grid.
The grid will be colored blue and the context menu will be displayed.In the context menu, select the function Edit the grid for an industrial scaffolding.
The cursor will change and the current column will be highlighted in color:The arrow keys ←→ can be used to switch to the next size.
The next smaller size is displayed in the info line: .Left click once to change the current column.
Press one of the two arrow keys ↑↓ and move the mouse cursor to switch to the rows.
Accordingly, you can switch back to the columns using the arrow keys ←→.The arrow keys ↑↓ can be used to switch to the next size.
Left click once to change the current row.
In this way you can adapt the grid to your needs.
You have reduced or enlarged individual rows and columns of the grid. The industrial scaffold can be created.