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The click points from the systems of the scaffolding manufacturers are displayed in the list.
The list always contains pairs of values, i.e. a plus and a minus value.
These two points attract each other "magnetically", so they can be docked to each other.
So if you want to add a click point to your own component for docking to a component from a scaffolding manufacturer,
you look for the right pair of values and add the corresponding click point to your own component.
According to this rule, you can also create your own click points, e.g. the two click points +1000 and -1000 belong together and attract each other magnetically.

The click points of the scaffolding manufacturers must not be changed.
Start with a value of 1000 for own click points, the range should be up to 1000 for internal click points.


  1. Click on Advanced features in the scaffmax command bar.
    (Haken) The scaffmax functions dialog is displayed.
  2. Double-click the line Part.
    (Haken) The Component/Assembly Creating your own components and assemblies dialog is displayed.
  3. Click the click points tab.
    (Haken) A list of click points from the systems of the scaffolding manufacturers is displayed.
  4. If necessary, activate the Find click points function in the icon bar to determine the values of existing click points.
    (Info) For more information about the function, see Show click points.
  5. Click  New Entry.
    (Haken) A new line is added at the end of the list, in the field Description of the function ? displayed.
  6. In the new row, double-click the Description of the function field.
    (Haken) The field can be edited.
  7. Enter a description for the click point and press the Tab key.
    (Haken) The value can be edited.
  8. Enter a value for the click point and press Enter.
    (Info) Start with the value 1000 or higher.
    (Haken) The new click point is saved.
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 to create the desired click points.
  10. Add the new click points to your own components.

Delete click point

  1. Select a click point in the table.
    (Haken) The line is highlighted in yellow.
  2. Click the icon  Delete Entry.
    (Haken) The click point is removed from the table.


You have created one or more custom click points.

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