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Use this to create your own assemblies, such as composite supports. You can create the assembly from your own components and catalog components and describe them in more detail in a dialog.
The drawing is then saved in a specific folder and is then available in the item list for use in other drawings.

Your own assemblies are displayed in the material list on a separate tab and are also included in the reports.


  • Use a new, blank drawing.


  1. Open a new drawing (File> New from Template).
  2. Remove the start figure and draw the new components.
  3. Click on Advanced features in the scaffmax command bar.
    (Haken) The scaffmax functions dialog is displayed.
    Image Added
  4. Double-click the line Part.
    (Haken) The Component/Assembly - Creating own components and assemblies dialog is displayed.
    Image Added
  5. Enter a filename, Article no. and article (= description).
  6. Optionally enter the weight (kg), time (seconds) and price (euro).
  7. Click the module option.
  8. Click the Easy-2020 option.
    (Info) Select the Detail-2020 option if the component was drawn at a higher level of detail. With the level of detail (see Settings > scaffolding system > Representation of the components) you can divide components into the two catalogs.
  9. Click the symbol ↓ Save component/group.
    (Haken) The assembly is saved as a SketchUp drawing in the folder ..\sc2022\sc_systems\user\COMPONENTS-C\sc_filename.
  10. Click the Ø Generate item list icon
    (Haken) The scaffmax Infos/Errors dialog is displayed.
    Image Added
  11. Click Yes.
    (Haken) The item list is regenerated so that the new assembly is available in the item list under the scaffolding system user.
    (Haken) The drawing with the component is closed and a new, empty drawing is opened.
  12. Add click points to the assembly or close the Component/Assembly - Creating your own components and assemblies dialog.
    (Info) Click points can also be added later.


You have created your own assembly and saved it as a SketchUp drawing. The assembly is available in the item list and can thus be used in other drawings.


Older program versions

titlescaffmax 2021


You can create your own assemblies, such as composite supports.You can create the assembly from your own parts and catalog parts and describe them in more detail in a dialog.The drawing is then saved in a specific folder and is then available as a component for use in other drawings.

Your own assemblies are displayed in a separate tab in the material list and are also included in the reports.


  • Use a new, blank drawing.


  1. Open a new drawing (File> New from Template).
  2. Remove the start figure and draw the new component.
  3. Click on Advanced features in the scaffmax command bar.
    (Haken) The scaffmax functions dialog is displayed.
    Image Modified
  4. Double-click the line Part.
    (Haken) The Definition of user component dialog is displayed.
    Image Modified
  5. In the Component name line, double-click in the
  1. Content field and enter a name.
  2. Enter an article number, item (=description), weight (kg), time (seconds) and price (euros) in this way.
  3. Click the
  1. module option.
  2. Click Accept.
    (Haken) The scaffmax Infos/Errors dialog is displayed.
  3. Click Quit.
    (Haken) The assembly is saved as a SketchUp drawing in the ..\sc2021\sc_systems\user\userparts\module~component name folder.
  4. Close the drawing.


You have created your own assembly and saved it as a SketchUp drawing. The assembly can be used as a component in other drawings.